So here are the details and the pattern of the bag. I hope you will all love this.
- Red Heart With Love - Bluebell
- Lily Sugar and Cream - White & Yellow
- H/5.0mm Crochet hook
- Tapestry Needle
- Scissors
Stitches Used
- sc - single crochet
- hdc - half double crochet
- dc - double crochet
- sl st - slip stitch
- sc dec - single crochet decrease
Bottom of the bag (make 2)
Round 1. Magic ring. 6 SC in the ring. Join and chain 1 (6SC)
Round 2. 2 SC in the first stitch and in all the next stitches. Join and chain 1 (12SC)
Round 3. SC in the first stitch, 2 SC in next. *SC in the next stitch 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 ( 18SC)
Round 4. SC in the first stitch and in next stitch, 2 SC in next. * SC in the next 2 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (24SC)
Round 5. SC in the first stitch and in next 2 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 3 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (30SC)
Round 6. SC in the first stitch and in next 3 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 4 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (36SC)
Round 7. SC in the first stitch and in next 4 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 5 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (42SC)
Round 8. SC in the first stitch and in next 5 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 6 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (48SC)
Round 9. SC in the first stitch and in next 6 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 7 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (54SC)
Round 10. SC in the first stitch and in next 7 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 8 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (60SC)
Round 11. SC in the first stitch and in next 8 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 9 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (66SC)
Round 12. SC in the first stitch and in next 9 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 10 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (72SC)
Round 13. SC in the first stitch and in next 10 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 11 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (78SC)
Round 14. SC in the first stitch and in next 11 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 12 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (84SC)
Round 15. SC in the first stitch and in next 12 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 13 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (90SC)
Round 16. SC in the first stitch and in next 13 stitches, 2 SC in next. * SC in next 14 stitches, 2 SC in next.* Repeat till end. Join and chain 1 (96SC)
After you made the first circle, fasten off and weave all ends. But in the second circle do not fasten off.
Round 17. Join the two circle together by single crocheting each stitches both together and this will be Round 17. Join and chain 1 (96SC)
Round 18. SC in each stitch around. Join and chain 1 (96SC)
Round 19 to 52. SC in each stitch around. Join and chain 1( 96 SC)
Round 53. SC in the first stitch and in next 2 stitches, chain 1 and skip one stitch. *SC in next 7 stitches, chain 1, skip 1 stitch.* Repeat until the end and you will end up with only 4 stitches in the end. Join and chain1. (84 SC, 12 chain1 and skip stitches)
Round 54. SC in the first stitch and in next 2 stitches. 2 SC in chain 1 space. SC in each next stitches and 2 SC in each chain 1 spaces. Join and chain 1 (108 SC)
Round 55-56. SC in each stitch around. Join and chain 1. (108SC)
Bag flip
Row 1. Chain 21 SC in the 2nd chain from the hook. SC in each stitch till the end. Chain1 and turn. ( 20 SC)
Row 2-22. SC in each stitch of the row. Chain 1 and turn (20SC)
Row 23. SC Dec in first 2 stitches, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC dec in the last two. Chain 1 and turn ( 18SC)
Row 24. SC Dec in first 2 stitches, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC dec in the last two. Chain 1 and turn ( 16SC)
Row 25. SC Dec in first 2 stitches, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC dec in the last two. Chain 1 and turn ( 14SC)
Row 26. SC Dec in first 2 stitches, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC dec in the last two. Chain 1 and turn ( 12SC)
Row 27. SC Dec in first 2 stitches, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC dec in the last two. Chain 1 and turn ( 10SC)
Row 28. SC Dec in first 2 stitches, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC dec in the last two. Chain 1 and turn ( 8SC)
Row 29. SC Dec in first 2 stitches, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC dec in the last two. Continue to SC in each stitch on the side back to the starting chain and back to the other side. Join in the first stitch and fasten off. (82 SC)
Attached the flip at the back of your bag. Make sure to attach it to the center.
Strings for the closing of the bag.
Chain 111, slip stitch in the 2nd chair from the hook. Slip stitch all stitches. Fasten off and weave all ends. Insert string into the 12 holes. And cinched closed your bag.
Back strings/strips
Make 4 strips. Refer to the diagram below on where to attach.
Row 1. Chain 4, SC in 2nd chain from hook, SC each stitch. Chain 1 and turn (3SC)
Row 2 – 5. SC in the first stitch and in all stitches. Chain 1 and turn. (3SC)
The small red boxes are the strips we just made. There were no specifications on where I put this strips. I just put them like that at the back of the bag. Sewing their ends on the bag making a small opening in the center for the strips to go in.
Chain111, do not fasten off yet. Insert the chains you just made the right side set of strips. Both on the upper strip and the lower strip, then without twisting your chains join in the first chain to form a circle. Make another string and do the same on the other side.
Alternative Backpack Straps/Strips (make 2)
Row 1. Chain 6, SC in the 2nd chain from the hook. Chain 1 and turn. (5SC)
Row 2-60 (Row 60 should be enough but it is still up to you on how long you want the straps). SC in the first stitch and in all stitches. Chain 1 and turn (5SC)
Attach your straps to the back of the bag by sewing each end into the bag. Positioning them like in the diagram below. The red dots marks where you should sew.
Please excuse my diagrams, I am not really good at it. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say.
If you want a ready to download pattern in PDF form for this bag, it is on my
Ravelry Store and you would have to pay just $1.00 for it,
Don't forget to Tag me on Instagram and Twitter with your finished project and also like my Page on Facebook, Si Nanay Madel. I would love to see what you've done and Pin it also on Pinterest.
So that's it. I hope you all learn something and enjoy this post. If you have any questions, comments or suggestion just leave a message in the comment box and I will gladly answer them. Thank you and God bless!
Nanay Madel
Don't forget to share on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and more.
**Please do not copy and post any pattern from this blog and claim it as your own. Please do not re-publish all photos from this blog as your own. You may make and sell products from my pattern. Please also link back to my post. Any link back will be much, much appreciated. Thank you very much. **
I always make sure to share also because I learn to crochet for free from some very generous bloggers. So please also click the links and support the bloggers.
Thought of the Day
June 7, 2017
Music, when not abused, is a great blessing; but when put to a wrong use, it is a terrible curse. - AH 407