Crochet Cellphone Pouches!
I have been crocheting whole weekend except for Sabbaths. And my latest projects are cellphone/Tablet/Ipad pouches. There are quite a number of orders already that is my I on it all the time. But I know I have to have more time with my family, most of all the kids. That is why I cannot finish them right away. My costumers are so understanding they are patient enough to wait for their orders.
It is actually so easy to make. Even if you change color all the time. They wonder how I did it, change color all the time. What I do is, I did not cut any yarn, when I change color I just drop the first color then pick up the next color. But first I started with the chain of two color. So first chain with your desired color together and then just change color along the way. I really don't have any pattern right now because I don't know how to make one. I haven't tried writing down a crochet pattern. It is actually pretty easy. I only use chains, half double crochet and single crochet. Chain first with your desire width then half double crochet all the way then the last row is a single crochet with the two color all together.
And around here are my hats or bonnets for kids. I had a few orders for them also.It does takes time to make them and finish them. Especially for me who is working full time , plus taking care of the kids and the house. I usually make them at night when the kids are all asleep. No distraction, just me and my hook and yarn. I can finish one hat in one night, especially that bee hat because it is so easy and doesn't have much extra accessories to it. Two hours more or less. The minnie mouse takes a while. Two days I made it.

This down here is what I made the whole day yesterday. Because yesterday was a non-working holiday. I did make in advance the minnie mouse sunday eve. And I finished it yesterday. What a day that was. But I was so happy because my costumer loved it very very much. So job well done! Thank you Lord! The Lord did help me a lot in here. I don't think I could ever made it yesterday without Him. I didn't even know I have all that strength to finish it all yesterday. So praise God for giving me the strength and the talent.
All hats pattern are from.
Repeatcrafterme I owe a lot to this blog. The free patterns and the inspiration
*I am not professional blogger nor is English my
language so I apologize if I misspelled some words or my grammar is not